дистанційне навчання 8 клас


Hello, everyone. How are you? I hope you are fine. I 'm going to speak about Active and Passive Voice.
Please, watch a video.
Відео допоможе вам розібратись з правилами утворення активного та пасивного видів речень.
Work with a book.
Ex 1,2, 3 p 122, 123.

Hello, everybody. Today we'll speak about definite article THE with geographical names.


Артикль – в англійській мові ставиться виключно перед іменником.
Існує 3 види артиклів в англійській мові:
1) «the» – визначений артикль (the definite article);
2) «a/an» – невизначений артикль (the indefinite article);
3) «-» – нульовий артикль (the zero article).

Давайте розглянемо кожен випадок окремо.
Невизначений артикль походить від давньоанглійського «an», яке означало «один».
Тому невизначений артикль ми використовуємо у тому випадку, коли мова йде про одну річ – тобто однину.
Чому ми два артикля – «a» і «an»?
Якщо слово, перед яким повинен ставитися невизначений артикль, починається на приголосну, то вживаємо артикль «a», а якщо на голосну, то відповідно використовуємо «an».

a dog ; an elephant

Ми використовуємо, якщо мова йде про будь-який предмет зі всієї групи однорідних предметів (any object from a group of similar items), тобто якщо про предмет ми говоримо в контексті «представник всього класу» (representative of the class):

My elder brother lives in a big city.
Ми використовуємо при першому згадуванні предмета (the first mention of the subject): I have got a car. A boy is standing at the window.
Часто використовується після дієслів to be і to have: I have got a pen. She is a teacher. Let’s have a rest!
Ми використовуємо після слів rather, quite, such, what в окличних реченнях: He was such a good student!
Ми використовуємо після there + to be перед обчислювальними іменниками: There is a forest near our village.
Ми використовуємо в словосполученнях once a day (week, month, year), at a time, in a minute, not a word – тобто коли невизначений артикль має значення «один»: I’ll be back in a minute.


Визначений артикль «the» вживається в однині та в множині перед обчислювальними та необчислювальними іменниками.
Ми використовуємо, коли  вже згадували  те, про що говоримо:
"She's got two children; a girl and a boy. The girl's eight and the boy's fourteen."
"Вона має двох дітей: дівчину і хлопчика, дівчинці вісім років, а хлопчику чотирнадцять ".
Ми використовуємо для обговорення географічних точок на земній кулі: the North Pole, the equator Північний полюс, екватор
Ми використовуємо для обговорення річок, океанів і морів: the Nile, the Pacific, the English channel Ніл, Тихий океан, англійський канал
Ми також використовуємо до певних іменників, коли ми знаємо, що є лише одне з певних речей: the rain, the sun, the wind, the world, the earth, the White House etc.. дощ, сонце, вітер, світ, земля, Білий дім тощо.

Ну і, звичайно, нам залишилось розглянути випадки, коли ми не вживаємо жодних артиклів:
- перед незліченними (uncountable), множинними (plural) або абстрактними (abstract) іменниками: He likes music. There are books on the table.
- перед незліченними іменниками, які означають речовину/масу: I prefer strong coffee to tea.
- якщо перед іменником стоять уже такі слова last, next: I’ll come to your place next week.
- перед назвами вулиць, міст, країн, а також перед іменами та прізвищами: I live in Gorky Street in Shostka.
- перед назвою конкретної гори: Elbrus is the highest mountain in the Caucasus.
- перед назвами пір року, місяців, днів тижня: Usually students have no classes in summer.
- перед іменниками dinner, breakfast, supper, tea, day, night, evening, morning, school, college, hospital, у випадку, якщо вони мають абстрактне значення: Dinner is always ready at two. My son goes to school..

Please, watch video. It can help you to do ex 3 p.201.

Today I want to tell you about Brazil. What do you  know about it? Where does it situated? How many people live there? Let's watch video. It can help you to do ex.5 p 202.

Hello, my pupils. Today we are going to speak about Republic of Ireland. First of  all  we can watch video about this country. It can help you to do ex. 1 p 203

Hello, everybody. Let's repeat some information about  zero articles.
Today I'm going to speak about the population of Great Britain and let's try to remember the nationalities of the inhabitants who live in different parts of the country.
Let's watch video.

06.04 2020
Hello, everyone. How are you? I hope you are fine. I 'm going to speak about the UK. What do you know about it? How many people live there? Would you like to visit it?
Let's watch video about the UK

Answer the questions .( Дати відповіді на запитання після перегляду відео. Записати відповідь одним чи двома словами. Сфотографувати та скинути мені у Viber 0967424190  . Всі отримають оцінки)

1)Where does th UK situated?
2)How many parts are there in the UK?
3)What is the capital of Wales?
4)What is the capital of England?
5)What is the capital of Northern Ireland?
6)What is the capital of Scotland?
7)National currency.
8)Name of national flag
10)Favourite sports
11)Famouse places
Past Perfect Passive Voice

Object+has/have+been+Past Participle

Task 1 Ex 3 p 209 . Put the verbs in the brackets into Present Perfect Passive
Task 2 Ex 4 p 209.Make up interrogative and negative sentences from the following ones.

Hello, my pupils. How are you? I hope you are fine. I'm going to speak about famous places of the UK. Let's speak about it. What interesting facts do you know? Let's watch video about the UK.

Do you like it? What  famous places did you see? Write all names in your copy-book.
Children, what do you know about Present Perfect Passive Voise?

Object+has/have+been+Past Participle.

Let's do some task. Ex 7 p 210 . Correct the mistakes.
Ex 8 p 211. Turn the following questions into the passive.
                                        One road leads to London,
                                        One road leads to Wales,
                                        My road leads me seawards
                                        To the white dipping sails.
                                                      One road leads to the river,
                                                      And it goes singing slow;
                                                               My road leads to shipping,
                                                     Where the bronzed sailors go.
                                                                          My road calls me, lures me
                                                                          West, East, South, and North;
                                                                          Most roads lead men homewards,
                                                                          My road leads me forth.

                                                                                                                 John Masefield
Learn this poem by heart.( Вивчити вірш напам'ять)

Hello, my pupils. I hope you are fine. I'm going to speak about geography and climate of the UK. Let's watch video .

Task 1  Ex 1 a) p 212 . Read the information below and study the map of the UK.
Task2. Ex 2 p 212 Read the article and pay attention to the meaning of the words in bold.
Learn new vocabulary  on p. 213.
Task 3 Ex 3 p 214. Answer the questions.Write your answers in your copy-book.

Hello, my pupils. How are you? I hope, you are fine. Today I'm going to speak about the geography and climate of Ukraine. Ex 4 p 214. Before reading try to pronounce the following geographic names  correctly.
Ex 4 b p 215. Read the text using the map of Ukraine.
Ex 5 p 216. Complete  the sentences.
- Ukraine covers an area of ____
- Its territory streches for____
Our country borders on______
- Ukraine washed by_____
The main rivers are_____
The climate is______

The Geography and climate of Ukraine

Ukraine is one of the largest countries of Eastern Europe. It covers an area
of 603,700 square kilometres. Its territory stretches for 893 kilometres from the north to the south and for 1,316 kilometres from the east to the west. Ukraine borders on Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania. On the south it is washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. The major part of Ukraine is flat and only 5 % (per cent) of the whole territory is mountainous.The two mountainous areas in Ukraine are the Carpathians and the Crimean Mountains, but they are not high. The main rivers are the Dnieper, the Dniester, the Bug, the Donets and others. The climate is mild and soft in the west and in the centre, warm and dry in the east and hot in the south. The flora of Ukraine is rich in a great variety of plants, which number up to 16,000. The animal life is also unusual and specific. The population of Ukraine is 47 million inhabitants. Many nationalities inhabit our country: Ukrainians, Russians, Jews, Poles, Belarusians, Moldovians, Bulgarians, Hungarians, Czechs, Greeks, etc.

Ex 6 p 216. Answer the questions about Ukraine.
Hello, my pupils. How are you ? I hope, you are fine. Today I'm going to speak about Canada.Wher does it situated? What is the capital of Canada? Let's watch a video.
Answer the questions.
- Wher does it situated?
- How many people live there?
- What other interesting facts do you know?
Ex 7(a) Use the information from the fact file below to complete.( Докінчити речення інформацією, яку ви вже знаєте про Велику Британію)
Ex 7 (b) p 217 Read information about Canada. Write short story about it in your copy-book.(Напишіть коротку інформацію про Канаду )

Hello, my friends. How are you ? I hope, you are fine. What do you know about Ukraine? Let's check your task.
Geographical location
Ukraine is situated in the central part of Eastern Europe, on the crossroads of major transportation routes from Europe to Asia and from the Scandinavian states to the Mediterranean region.
Most of Ukraine is located south-west of the Eastern European plain. Mountains occupy only 5% of Ukrainian territory: the Ukrainian Carpathian mountains in the west and the Crimean mountains in the south. The highest peak in Ukraine, Goverla Mountain (2,061 m), is situated in the Carpathians. Roman-Kosh peak (1,545 m) is the highest mountain in Crimea.
The Ukraine’s Black Sea coastline exceeds 1,500 km. Sea coasts in Ukraine are mainly flat, except for the region near the Crimean mountains. Water temperature at the seaside ranges from 0-8oC in winter to 25oC in summer.
The Azov Sea’s shore is low-lying, straight, with specific sand spits. The Azov Sea is rather shallow. Sea water near shore freezes in the winter. The water temperature in summer reaches 25-30oC.
There are more than 73,000 rivers in Ukraine. Ukrainian rivers mostly belong to the basins of the Black and Azov seas. Only the Western Bug and other right influxes of the Vistula River flow to the Baltic Sea basin. The largest rivers in Ukraine (Dnepr and Danube rivers) are navigable.
More than 20,000 water reservoirs are situated in Ukraine, including more than 3,000 lakes. They are mostly situated in Polesye, Prichernomorskaya lowland, and the Crimean steppe.
The climate of Ukraine is temperate continental. The only exception is the southern coast of Crimea, where the climate is subtropical of the Mediterranean type. Warm low-snow winters and rainy summers are specific to the mild climate of the Zakarpatye region.
Average winter temperatures in Ukraine vary from -8 to -12oC. The temperature in the southern regions approaches 0oC (32 oF).
The average summer temperature ranges from 18 to 25oC (64.4 oF to 77oF). However, it can exceed 35 oC (95 oF) during the day.
Frequent weather fronts bring weather changes. Note, however, that clear, sunny weather is typical for Ukraine (up to 230 sunny days per year).
Precipitation falls unevenly across Ukraine. The most rainfall is recorded in the Crimean mountains and the Ukrainian Carpathian mountains.
The southern coast of Crimea is the warmest place in Ukraine. The summer temperature here reaches 39oC, while the average temperature in January is 4oC. Relative air humidity is 65-80%.
Natural resources
Flora and fauna
Ukraine possesses considerable volumes of natural resources. Analysts estimate that one quarter of the world’s black soil reserves are located in Ukraine. The country’s black soil is deemed the best in the world because of its physical, chemical, agrochemical, and mineralogical properties. The total area of black soil is 60.4 mn ha including 69% of agricultural lands. 78% of this is ploughed land.
The Constitution of Ukraine, adopted in 1996, defined land as a core national wealth that is specifically protected by the state.
Ukraine is one of the richest countries in the world by variety and deposits of mineral raw stock. It occupies 0.4% of the dry land and possesses 5% of the world natural resources, worth over USD 11 ths. bn.
Industrial extraction of coal is mainly done in Donbass region. The total area of the coal basin amounts to 60,000 sq. km, and its reserves are estimated at 109 bn tons.
Oil and natural gas are concentrated in Pridneprovskiy-Donetsk (80%) and the Prichernomorskiy-Crimean oil and gas bearing regions. Oil and gas deposits on the continental shelf of Ukraine in the Black and Azov seas are also deemed ripe for development. Ukraine satisfies its oil and 25% of its gas needs.
Iron ores are located in Krivoy Rog (18.7 bn tons), Kremenchug (4.5 bn tons), Belozerskiy (2.5 bn tons) and Kerchenskiy iron ore basins. The world’s largest deposits of manganese ores are located in Nikopol district. Deposits of nickel, chrome, titanium, complex and mercury ores (the second largest deposit in the world) are estimated as sufficient for commercial exploitation.
Ukraine is a European and world leader by number of mineral rock deposits. Deposits of ozokerites and brimstones are the largest in the world. Its deposits of graphite are the most important in Europe. The extraction of rock and potassium salt has been conducted in Ukraine for a long time.
There are open deposits of precious and semiprecious stones on the territory of the state as well (beryl, amethyst, amber, jasper, rock crystal, etc.). More than 15 deposits of gold have been discovered over the last several years.
Mineral and raw stock in Ukraine has a significant economic potential that is necessary for securing further national economic development, in particular, in metallurgy, chemical industry, as well as the production of ceramic articles and construction materials.
Approximately 30,000 species of plants grow in Ukraine. More than 400 of them are included in the Red Data Book. Almost 19 mn ha (nearly one third of Ukraine’s territory) has natural vegetation. Approximately half of all ordinary and almost 30% of all rare and endangered species are concentrated in the Crimean and Carpathian mountains.
Fourteen percent of Ukraine’s territory is covered with forests. More than half of the total timber reserve in Ukraine is in conifers: pine tree, fir, and silver fir. Forests in Ukraine are rich in berries, mushrooms, fruits of wild-growing plants, as well as herbs (about 250 species of herbs are recognized by official medicine).
Fauna in Ukraine is diverse and numbers almost 45,000 species. The rarest surviving animals are found in numerous conservation areas. There are a lot of fish species in the Black and Azov seas, as well as in rivers and lakes.
Eleven natural national parks, four biosphere conservation areas, sixteen wilderness areas, and a lot of dendroparks have been created in Ukraine.
Hunting for elk, deer, wild boar, hare, fox, wild goose, etc. is organized in reserve and hunting farms which exist in almost every region of Ukraine.
Choose true or false
1. Ukraine is situated in the central part of Eastern Europe, on the crossroads of major transportation routes from Europe to Asia and from the Scandinavian states to the Mediterranean region.
2.Mountains occupy only 5.5% of Ukrainian territory: the Ukrainian Carpathian mountains in the west and the Crimean mountains in the south. 
3.The Ukraine’s Black Sea coastline exceeds 1,600 km.
4.The Azov Sea’s shore is low-lying, straight, with specific sand spits.
5There are more than 73,000 rivers in Ukraine. 
6The Constitution of Ukraine, adopted in 1999, defined land as a core national wealth that is specifically protected by the state.
7.Oil and natural gas are concentrated in Pridneprovskiy-Donetsk (90%) and the Prichernomorskiy-Crimean oil and gas bearing regions.
8Fauna in Ukraine is diverse and numbers almost 45,000 species
9.There are a lot of fish species in the Black and Azov seas, as well as in rivers and lakes.
10Eleven natural national parks, four biosphere conservation areas, sixteen wilderness areas, and a lot of dendroparks have been created in Ukraine.

Hello, everybody. How are you? I hope, you are fine. Today we are going to speak about travelling. Answer the questions.
- Do you like to imagine , that you are travilling to some places?
- What imaginary places do you travel to ?
- Who do you travel with?
How do you travel? 
- Is it more iresting to travel when when you have a map and a compass?

Ex 2 p 220 Listen and say if the statements below are true or false.(Оберіть правильне  або неправильне твердження) 
Ex 4 p 222 Imagine, you've been to Great Britain. Now your are going to make a report about  your trip. Write it in your copy-book.
How to make a report on social studies.
1.Choose a topic.
2. Find the information you need.
3. Bring together the most  important facts and ideas.
4. Choose  words that will express the exact meaning of what you want to say in your report.
5. Show pictures or maps to illustrate your report.

Hello, everyone.How are you.Today  we'll write e-mail  about your favourite country. 
Ex 2 p 223. Read about the impression of some travellers. Share your impression of a country or a place you've been to.
Ex 3 p 224. Imagine you've won a prize -- a travel to any country you like. Write a letter to your email friend and tell him  about your choice. Explain  why you'd like to visit this country Share the information  you've got ? your thoughts and opinions.( Напишіть повідомлення про країну, яку нещодавно відвідали і розкажіть про свої враження)

Hello, pupils. How are you?  I hope, you are fine. Today we'l speak about England and Wales. 
What do you know about Wales ? Let's watch video about it.

Would you like to visit it?  Do you like it?
Work with a book.
Ex 1 p 225 These are the usual newspaper themes Match them with the pictures.( Знайдіть відповідники між малюнками та назвами , сфотографуйте і скиньте на перевірку)
Ex 4 p 225 Look through the list of items and extracts from a school magazine /. Find the right heading for each extract.

Hello, everyone.   Today we are going to speak about British lifestyle. What do you know about it? Let's watch video about British lifestyle. ( Перегляньте відео за посиланням)


You have to make a project about the UK. Draw a map of this country . Write short information about capital, population, climate , famouse places . Use video from my  blog. Good luck.( Виконати проєкт " Велика Британія". Намалювати карту , вказати столицю, найбільші міста , надати коротку розповідь про  клімат , населення. Сфотографуйте і скиньте на перевірку. Для знаходження інформації використовуйте відео з блогу, які розміщені вище↑

30.04 2020
Hello, everyone. Today we are going to speak about Scotland.What do you know  about it ?
Ex 11 p 229  Answer the questions about the UK.
Перегляньте відео про Шотландію.
Ex 12 p 229. Do the quiz. ( Виконайте завдання вікторини. Перешліть мені на перевірку ВСІ!!!!)

Ex 13 p 230 Look at the factfile and check your answers.

Hello, pupils. How are you. I hope, you are fine. Today we'll repeat some facts about different countries
 Ще раз переглядаєте відео про Велику Британію , Австралію,  Україну , Шотландію  . Відео та посилання ви можете знайти вище.  Чекаю на ваші проєкти за 29.04 . Наполегливо  рекомендую    виконувати всі завдання , щоб оцінка за ІІ семестр не  була для вас несподіванкою.

Hello, everyone. How are you . I hope, you are fine. Today we'll repeate some information about Ukraine.
Пройдіть тести про Київ  за посиланням.
Повторити граматику на ст.241-243

Hello, everyone. Today you have to read and understand this text .

School in the Slums

  • Slums – нетрі
  • Locks – замки
  • Guards — охоронці
  • Permission — дозвіл
Mellish school is in the slums of Brooklyn for pupils between twelve and fifteen years of age. There are about 1500 pupils there, and 90 teachers.
It’s a problem school, perhaps one of the most difficult schools in America. The white teachers can’t walk to the school because they may be attacked. They all drive to school, and their cars have special locks. There’s always a black policeman at the door of the school. He has a radio contact with the school guards. Pupils must have a written permission from the teacher if they want to go to the toilet. There’s a guard outside the washroom. Only one child can go into the washroom at a time, and he can’t stay there long.
The children who live in that district go to school that. They are all black children. However, why do the teachers work there?
“It’s very hard of course,” Jane says Flinch, a forty – five-year-old teacher. Most children have problems at home. Some of them are beaten by their parents. Some of them sleep at the lessons because they had to work at night. Some of the children get sick at the lessons because they didn’t have breakfast or even a meal for a day or two.
It’s the love of the job that keeps the teachers in that school. They teach and do social work. They feel that they are doing something good for the children who need help.
“There’s also the problem of violence,” says one of the teachers. “Sometimes when I go into a class, I can feel that some of the children are like a dynamite. However, I feel quite safe. I am sure that other pupils will help me.” There is very little money for teaching in that school. There is no money to buy food for the children.
The principal of the school has been there for many years. A lot of his happy optimism has gone. “No, i’m not optimistic about the future. Look around you,” he says and points out of the window at the high wall round the school. “It’s not a very bright sight: buildings have holes instead of the windows, shops are closed, groups of people are sitting on the steps of the houses. They have nowhere to go and nothing to do.”
“We need money,” he says, “money is the only way to help this school and these people, and, of course, jobs for the people.”
 Say if the statements are true, false or not mentioned.

  • Mellish school is in the slums of Mexico.
  • Most children have problems at home.
  • Mellish a problem school.
  • The principal of the school has 5 children in his family.
  • The school needs money.
  • It’s good salary that keeps the teachers in that school.

  • 13.05
  • Hello, everyone. Let's do the tasks.
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Form 8
    William Shakespeare
         William Shakespeare is probably the most famous playwright in history. He was born on 23 April 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon in England. He was one of eight brothers and sisters. His father, John Shakespeare, was a successful businessman. William went to school in Stratford and learnt Latin and Greek, but he didn’t go to university. At the age of fifteen he went straight to work in his father’s business.
         When he was eighteen, he met and fell in love with Anne Hathaway. She was eight years older than him. They got married in November 1582, and six months later their daughter Susanna was born. In 1585 they had twins, Hamlet and Judith. Little is known about the following seven years of his life. We only know that he moved to London, leaving Anne and his children in Stratford and that he was writing plays and working as an actor.
         His plays were very popular and he made a lot of money. In 1597 he bought a big house in Stratford for his family, but he stayed in London for a further thirteen years. He continued to write and cat and also bought a theatre. In 1611 he finally retired and moved back to Stratford to live in the house he had bought. In total, Shakespeare wrote 37 plays and 154 sonnets (fourteen-line poems). Some of his love poems are addressed to a married woman, and some of them are addressed to a young man. Nobody knows the identity of these two people. Shakespeare died in Stratford on his birthday, on 23 April 1616, and was buried in the church where he had been christened 52 years earlier.

    Task 1. Read the text. What do these numbers refer to?
    1.     Eight  2. Fifteen  3. Eighteen   4. Thirty-seven  5. A hundred and fifty-four      6. Fifty-two
    Task 2. Complete the sentences about Shakespeare using one word.
    1.     Shakespeare was ____ in Stratford-upon-Avon in the sixteenth  century.
    2.     He had ____ brothers and sisters.
    3.     He studied at ____ but not at university.
    4.     Susanna was Shakespeare’s first _____.
    5.     Hamlet and Judith are the names of Shakespeare’s _______.
    6.     In London, Shakespeare made a lot of ______.
    7.     Shakespeare wrote love poems for a man and woman but their ____ is still a secret.
    8.     Shakespeare returned to Stratford five years before he _____.

  • 14.05.2020
  • Listening . Всі обов'язково мають пройти контрольне аудіювання. Перегляньте відео , де на кожен уривок тексту є три варіанти відповідей. Оберіть один із них, напишіть у зошит, сфотографуйте та скиньте на перевірку.

  • 18.05.2020
    I Fill in the blanks with the correct letters.( Виконай тести)
    1. diction_y                                   3. catalog_
    a) er  b) ar c) ur  d) or                   a) ue b) ye c) eu d) ie
    2. c_tents                                       4. enc_lopedia
    a) en b) un c) on d) an                   a) ac b) yc c) yk d) ik
    II Match the antonyms. One of the words is extra one.( Знайди антоніми)
    1. optimistic               a) indecent
    2. hard-working         b) silly
    3. intelligent               c) persistent
    4. decent                     d) ugly
    5. just                         e) lazy
    6. beautiful                 f)  unjust
                                       g) pessimistic
    III Open the brackets and put the verb into the correct tense.( Розкрий дужки)
    1.     Our family (save) money for a new car by the end of the year.
    2.     If you (catch) the taxi, you (meet) Mary at the station.
    3.     Father told us that he (buy) the tickets the day before.
    4.     The girl (water) her flowers in the morning.
    5.     This time tomorrow they (sit) in the train on their way to Chicago.
    6.     Many reporters (come) to the conference yesterday.
    7.     Don’t shout! My son (sleep).
    8.     He already (break) his new bicycle.

  • 16.10.2020
  • Hello, my friends. How are you ? I hope, you are fine.Today we "ll speak about leisure time . Let's watch video.
  • What is your favourite kind of leisure time?

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